

These days I’m writing a paper about melancholy. It’s a ‘heavy’ subject, and I’ll be happy when I have defent my writing. So fingers crossed on tuesday. After that I can work for my finall project again.

The 23th I start weaving scarfs. Can’t wait to start, because I’ve many ideas. I think this is the right time to make my own collection of scarfs, and I’ll try to sell them soon. Maybe even start a little shop. We’ll see. But still, if you would love to have a handwoven scarf from me, please send me your preferences. Feel free to contact me about the weaving. I would love to make some nice things for lovely persons.

Just something, I found this amazing artist a few days ago. She make this lovely paintings, so beautiful with such a great sense for colours.

14 Responses to “Plans.”

  1. Mandy Says:

    Good luck with the paper Hermine … that crochet is so pretty and I think a little shop is a lovely idea.

  2. Is dat de Muze?

    Welke plant is de laatste? Ziet er zo’n mooie uit, met mooie bloemen.

  3. Dat is in de Mokabon in Gent. Ze hebben er dezelfde tasjes als in de muze. Leuk is dat.
    De plant ga ik straks eens voor je opzoeken. Het was iets vanuit mijn ouders hun tuin. Het zijn echt prachtige bloemen, diep blauw. Heel mooi.

  4. Studio Meez Says:

    Veel geluk met je paper!

    Je haakwerkje ziet er prachtig uit! Weer eens hele mooie foto’s.

  5. Marguerite Says:

    Zwaar, maar ook wel een mooi onderwerp 🙂 Mooie bloemetjes en een sjaal wil ik misschien ook wel op een dag..!

  6. veel succes met je paper en weefproject!
    ik heb thuis een werkje van Ruth 🙂
    ze woont in Gent nu

  7. Beckie Says:

    beautiful shoes! your crocheted items are so pretty, i’d love to see your shop if/when you open one 🙂

  8. Alicia Says:

    amazing paintings! I tought that they were ancient ones . Very curious ones.

    I received your letter today! Did you do the pagemarker? It´s a beautiful one.
    Thank you very much. As you I am very busy at this moment, but I have your adress and I will sent you a pretty (I hope!) little letter 🙂

    • Dear Alicia,
      I’m so glad to hear the letter arrived at your home. I didn’t make the pagemarker myself. But I loved the little patterns in it.
      I’m looking forward to receive a little letter from you, take you time.

  9. Pauline Says:

    Succes met het schrijven.
    Af en toe zo’n heerlijke kop koffie en even pauze om te haken lijkt me dan een goed plan.
    Liefs, Pauline

  10. Zenobie Says:

    I can’t wait to see your creations, good luck with everything

  11. Hausfrau Says:

    I’m very glad I found your blog! I am really trying to learn more about weaving. I made a couple of baskets last year and liked that a lot. I want to do some textile weaving in the future. I think you will make beautiful scarves!

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