Wake up.


I really love my plants these days. The colour of their leaves is getting fresh again, they wake up out of their wintersleep. My figue-plant is getting little leaves, he’s changing every day. Like that so so so much !
Every plant deserve a little wooden stick, I write the name of the plant and his birthday down on the stick. His birthday is the day that he came to live in my house.
This weekend I will buy myself a little greenhouse to grow some new plants in, have some ideas.

My crochet blanket is finished, and it looks nice I guess. I’m ready to make more of these things. It’s a bigger project than just a doily.

16 Responses to “Wake up.”

  1. Alicia Says:

    plants birthday! what a nice idea.
    I like the blanket 🙂

  2. oh hermine i cannot wait to see this little greenhouse that you will get. i dream of one. here on my walks through the winter streets i see many of them in yards – some smaller like elf houses and some bigger with little chairs even inside of them along with the pots and shovels and spades. i have worked on some little farms in france and i remember best how lovely the smell was when working with the tomato vines in the open greenhouses – les serres – the condensed richness of the spring season all there for me to breathe in. heaven. i know you will make a wonderful warm little world out of your new greenhouse ❤

    • Dear Geneviève,
      today there was snow here again. But that can’t stop my spring feeling. The greenhouse I’m searching for is to use inside of the house, to give little seeds a warmer environment.
      We have a big greenhouse in our garden, something of my parent, and indeed, it smells so good when you enter there in the summer. And see the full red tomatoes hanging. I think I will spend more time in the outside greenhouse this summer.

  3. Mandy Says:

    How lovely, they are lucky little plants having you looking after them and I adore your blanket !!!

  4. erika Says:

    Your plants seem so happy! it must be the care and love you give them. I looooveee your blanket!!

  5. marieds Says:

    I love the last plant…what’s this name ?

  6. Studio Meez Says:

    Wat een leuk idee, een planten verjaardag. Heel mooi dekentje.

  7. Mdmslle Says:

    Hej Hermine! Thank you for visiting my blog!
    Your plants look so beautiful, especially I like the last one, so pretty!
    I would also love to see your new greenhouse, when it arrives! Took an old one from my parents house last week, I want to seed some vegetables for our garden.
    What do you want to grow?

  8. Lisa Says:

    Het is echt héérlijk om alles terug tot leven te zien komen en te zien groeien. Die serres zullen ons veel plezier bezorgen, ik weet het zeker.
    Mooi haakwerk!

  9. kavka Says:

    What a great idea with plants’ birthday. Love it, the same as your photos with plants, so gentle and beautiful. It seems like spring when i’m looking at them. Have a nice/green day 😀

  10. søt Says:

    Die verjaardagen zijn echt een leuk idee! Geef jij je planten ook namen? Ik heb oa. een Gerard en Geraldinetje 🙂

  11. Erin Says:

    You have inspired me to finally give my house plants some more love, you have beautiful photos!

  12. Claudia Says:

    Very nice blanket!

  13. inge Says:

    Ik blijf het misschien herhalen, maar ik ben jaloers op jouw groene vingers. Weinig plantjes houden het vol bij me thuis. Zo’n lantaarnpaaltje hing vroeg in een macraméhanger in mijn meisjeskamer. Toen lukte het beter.

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